The Life Changing International Church is a global apostolic & prophetic vision revealed to Apostle T.P Phakathi (DCE) in the kingdom of ESwatini. Together with his lovely wife Tema are the co-visionary leaders. We are ambassadors called to revitalize the church for the end time global revival, to restore all nations in the world into the civilization of heaven through changing rural communities by transforming men and women into diplomatic success leaders and agents of heaven’s civilization. We are a three winged global vision; an independent church vision, an Education vision as well as an apostolic and prophetic unity vision. This three winged vision is driven by ONE great commission, pursues ONE mission, following THREE visions with THREE mottos which are powered by clear kingdom cultural habits and values of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our vision takes the form of the following illustration:
The Life Changing International Church is called to transform men and women into diplomatic success leaders and agents of heaven’s civilization in all nations in the world. As an education ministry we are called to provide free high quality Bible, Ministry and Business education and training to Christians around the world following the steps of Christ and Paul. As an apostolic and prophetic unity vision we are called to grow a global community that will herald and demonstrate the spirit of unity in the body of Christ.
Apostle T.P Phakathi (DCE) and Prophetess T.P Phakathi have been ordained into fulltime ministry on the 24th December 2022. They have responded into the fulltime call and resigned as professional high School teachers.
Apostle T.P Phakathi (DCE)
Prophetess T.P Phakathi
Great Commission (RCR)
Revitalize the church for the end time global revival (Matthew 16:18-19 NASB)
Overcome the world and all its systems of life, manifest the kingdom of God and its righteousness the heavenly will on earth for absolute restoration of the earth and the entire human race as creation was at first. [Jer. 33:7, Mt. 6:10, Heb. 11:16 &39]
Church Vision
OUR VISION To restore all nations in the world into the civilization of heaven through changing rural communities by transforming men and women into diplomatic success leaders and agents of heaven’s civilization (Mat. 16:18, Is. 61:4, Jer 1:10, Jos. 1:8, Mic. 4/ Is. 2)
OUR MOTTO Transforming men & women into kingdom diplomatic success leaders and agents of heaven’s civilization.
Education Vision
OUR VISION Provide free high quality correspondence and full time Bible, ministry and Christian business training first in rural communities and also in urban communities (Ephesians 4:12)
OUR MOTTO We place our accreditation on our anointed graduates, ready to do kingdom exploits in ministry, economy, parenting and success leadership.
Apostolic & Prophetic Unity
OUR VISION Proclaim, revitalize, mobilize and demonstrate the apostolic and prophetic unity of the body of Christ for the end time global revival (Psalms 133:1)
OUR MOTTO Heralding and demonstrating the apostolic & prophetic unity