Church Vision


Church Vision


LCIC is an independent church registered as an NPO in the kingdom of ESwatini with the name Life Changing International Church with company ID: 201109163011421 and Company No: R7/35566. The Church is the governing and top leadership body of the three wings of the Life Changing International Vision (LCIV). LCIC is a Church with a clear global mandate to transform rural communities into the civilization of the kingdom of God in all countries in the world. Moreover, the Church has been given a mandate to mobilize and revitalize the apostolic and prophetic union of the Church for the end time global revival through the interdenominational ministries of; the Life Changing Bible and Ministry University (LCBMU) and the Global Christian Community Development Ministry (GCCDM). Therefore, these three wings are identified through the umbrella, “Life Changing International Church Vision”. At LCIC we pursue our given great commission, mission and visions through focusing on five goals which are the five purposes of the Church of the living God; (1) demonstrating dominion over the earth through the gospel of the kingdom in the name of Jesus Christ, (2) demonstrating love for God and people in all nations in the world, (3) fulltime labour to win and disciple all nations in the world, (4) demonstrate kingdom authority over the kingdom of darkness in the name of Jesus Christ and (5) growing and developing a global household of God into the civilization of the kingdom of heaven. LCIC started April 2010 and launched into full-time ministry on the 30th July 2022.


Apostle T.P Phakathi (DCE) & Prophetess T.P Phakathi Ordained


Apostle & Prophetess T.P Phakathi (Visionary Leaders)
Bishop CM & Pastor L Ngcamphalala (R) [Vision Overseers]

Our cultural habits (Acts 2:42-47/ Acts 4:32-37)

  • Consistency in hearing & doing the word of God
  • Consistency in fellowship
  • Consistency in breaking the bread
  • Consistency in prayer
  • Consistency in unity
  • Consistency in sharing
  • Consistency in one purpose and vision
  • Consistency in friendship
  • Consistency in giving and partnership

Our cultural values

  • Recognize and esteem highly those who serve ( 1 Thess. 5:12-13)
  • Keep peace among the believers (1 Thess. 5:13)
  • Constructive relationships (1 Thess. 5:14-15)
  • Rejoicing always in the Lord (1 Thess. 5:16)
  • Constantly praying community (1 Thess. 5:17)
  • Developing attitude for gratitude (1 Thess. 5:18)
  • Consumed and led by the Holy Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19)
  • Esteem the word of God above all (1 Thess. 5:20)
  • Contending for faith at all times (1 Thess. 5:21)
  • Shun all kinds of evil (1 Thess. 5:22)

Our faith

  • We believe that Jesus Christ will build His church and the gates of hades shall not overpower it (Mt. 16:18).
  • We believe in the five signs that accompany those who believe in God (Mark 16:17-18).
  • We believe that God loved the world and gave His only son Jesus Christ to save the world instead of condemning it (John 3:16-17).
  • We believe that at the name of Jesus Christ every knee in heaven, earth and under the earth should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father (Php. 2:10)
  • We believe that in these last days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as chief of the mountains and be raised above the hills and people and nations will stream to the Church (Micah 4:1-2/ Is. 2:1ff)
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6)
  • We believe in the Holy Spirit who gives us power to witness Christ (Acts 1:8), clothes us with righteousness, peace and joy (Rom. 14:17) empowers us to make disciples of all nations (Mt.28:19) and to produce kingdom diplomats (2 Cor. 5:20)

Our Ministries

We focus in providing our weekly diplomatic success leadership and life transforming fellowships including faith and prayer School and themed Sunday full worship and word grounded service. We provide high quality preaching ministry fully dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ being the builder of His church. Our Sundays are themed as follows; WFPH success Sunday, Diplomatic business Sunday, KSL community development Sunday and Vision, prayer & thanksgiving Sunday respectively. We have a growing Children Life arrows ministry, Youth Life arrows ministry, families ministry, Global apostolic missions and an envisioned life changing enterprise ministry. We have two life transforming annual conferences; Holy Spirit Conference (during Easter) and Kingdom Establishment conference (December). We have Liberation of the next generation School’s evangelism

Join us

We are called and sent to all countries in Africa, Middle East, Asia, Oceania & Australia, Europe and America. Therefore, if you feel the Spirit of God is leading you to join us, kindly send us the message then we will contact you ASAP.